Serge Bibauw

Serge Bibauw

Assistant Professor of French Language Teaching

University of Louvain (UCLouvain)

About me

I am an Assistant Professor of French Language Teaching at the University of Louvain (UCLouvain), in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. I am affiliated with the Institute for the Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical Societies (IACCHOS) and the Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les pratiques enseignantes et les disciplines scolaires (Cripedis).

I study conversational AI for language learning, or dialogue-based CALL, more precisely task-oriented dialogue systems (chatbots) for language learning, at the intersection of Task-based language teaching (TBLT), computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and natural language processing (NLP). My research focuses on the instructional design and the evaluation of the effectiveness of conversational AI for L2 proficiency development, particularly L2 vocabulary and fluency.

  • Conversational AI/chatbots for language learning
  • L2 speaking and writing fluency
  • Longitudinal L2 development
  • Foreign language teaching, particularly French
  • Natural language processing for CALL (ICALL)
  • PhD in Linguistics, 2022

    KU Leuven

  • Agrégation in Romance Languages, 2007

    Université de Louvain

  • MA in Romance Languages, 2007

    Université de Louvain

  • BA in Romance Languages, 2004

    Université Saint-Louis

Recent publications

Find relevant content by filtering publications.
(2023). The BEA 2023 Shared Task on Generating AI Teacher Responses in Educational Dialogues. In Proc. BEA 2023, 785–795.

PDF Cite DOI Proceedings

(2022). Dialogue systems for language learning: a meta-analysis. Language Learning & Technology, 26(1), 1-24.

PDF Cite Dataset Project DOI PDF preprint Journal

(2022). Dialogue systems for language learning: chatbots and beyond. In Ziegler & González-Lloret (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition & Technology, 121-134.

Cite Project DOI PDF preprint Book chapter

(2019). Discussing with a computer to practice a foreign language: Research synthesis and conceptual framework of dialogue-based CALL. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 32(8), 827-877.

Cite Project DOI PDF postprint Journal

Recent and upcoming talks

Intelligence artificielle : la solution pour l’apprentissage des langues ?
Intelligence artificielle : la solution pour l’apprentissage des langues ?
Observing very-short-term speaking fluency development in computer-delivered interviews
Observing very-short-term speaking fluency development in computer-delivered interviews

Research projects

Task-based dialogue systems for language learning

Task-based dialogue systems for language learning

Doctoral research project at KU Leuven, funded by a SENESCYT scholarship (Ecuador)

Reflexive writing at the high-school to university transition

Reflexive writing at the high-school to university transition

FNRS-FRFC research project from 2008 to 2010 at UCLouvain
