1 |
system_full_name |
Name of the system or application |
2 |
publications |
Publications studying/presenting this system |
3 |
year |
First year of publication for related papers |
4 |
primary_modality |
Primary modality of learner production (user input) in the system |
Spoken, Written |
5 |
system_type |
Type of system as per the proposed dialogue-based CALL typology (see 4.2. A typology of dialogues and systems)
Narrative, Form-focused, Goal-oriented, Reactive |
6 |
dialogue_type |
Type of instructional dialogue as per the proposed dialogue-based CALL typology (see 4.2. A typology of dialogues and systems)
Branching, Form-focused exercises, Elicited, Meaning-constrained, Form-constrained, Contextualized, Free
7 |
form_constraint |
Constraints imposed on the form of user production |
limited syntax, list of correct and incorrect utterances, list of utterances w diff meanings, list of words, none, rearrange blocks, rearrange
blocks, gap-filling, use target structures, verbatim prompt
8 |
meaning_constraint |
Constraints imposed on the meaning of user production |
context, cues, determined answer, determined answers, determined answers to be translated, elicitation sentences, given, instructions, list of
utterances, list of utterances w same meaning, meaning is irrelevant, next turn set, none, physical context, questions, system-init., task,
text to be translated, visual context
9 |
form_c_type |
Type of formal constraints |
pre-set, explicit, none |
10 |
meaning_c_type |
Type of meaning/semantic constraints |
pre-set, explicit, implicit, none |
11 |
corrective_feedback |
Type of corrective feedback provided by the system on learner production |
Explicit, Explicit (on pronunciation), Implicit, Implicit (recast), No |
12 |
target_language |
Target language (L2) to be practiced in the system |
13 |
initiative |
Management of initiative in the dialogue (who controls the dialogue flow) |
System, System + mixed, User, User + mixed |
14 |
virtual_world |
Does the interaction occurs in a virtual world (visually represented or not)? |
✔/✘ |
15 |
embodied_agent |
Has the system agent an embodied representation (e.g., avatar)? |
✔/✘ |
16 |
physical_robot |
Is the system implemented into a virtual robot? |
✔/✘ |
17 |
gamification |
Is the system gamified in any way (e.g., emphasis on scoring and competition, implementation of gaming logics)?
✔/✘ |
18 |
user_modelling |
Does the system implement user modelling or user adaptivity? |
✔/✘ |
19 |
framework |
Eventual dialogue system/chatbot framework used to develop the system |
20 |
dialogue_model |
Type of dialogue modelling |
branching, fixed path, frame, graph, matching, n/a, plan, plan / branching (?), probabilistic matching, probabilistic matching (levenstein
distance with corpus utterances)
21 |
type_of_interaction |
Type of interaction |
goal-oriented, open-ended, system-guided |
22 |
rules_vs_data_driven |
Is the application built on a (handcrafted) rules-driven or (probabilistic) data-driven dialogue system?
Corpus-based, Dialogue models derived from corpus, Handcrafted rules, Handcrafted rules (mostly), Learning from previous interactions, Rules
learned from literary corpus, Rules learned from SCMC corpus
23 |
processing_for_dialogue_control |
Steps of processing for the user utterance for managing the dialogue |
24 |
depth_of_processing |
Depth of natural language processing (i.e., does it go beyond surface processing/pattern matching and try to extract meaning?)
none, shallow, medium, deep, NA |
25 |
breadth_of_processing |
Breadth of natural language processing (i.e., does it expect a limited number of possible utterances/words, from a very specific domain, or is
it very extensive in the possible inputs that are considered?)
none, narrow, medium, broad, NA |
26 |
strand |
Strand/field of publication, based on the main references cited, main keywords used and orientation of the content (see 3.3 and 3.4)
Chatbots, SDS/CA, CAPT, ICALL |
27 |
system_abbr |
Abbreviated name of the system (used in figures) |
28 |
publicly_available |
Is this system available to the general public? |
✔/✘ |
29 |
url |
URL of web page where the system is located or presented in details |
30 |
notes |
Additional notes |